Labels:book | bulletin board | crt screen | earth | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: Apple Monochrome Monitors System Requirements To use: an Apple Mono- To use an Apple Monochrome If you have an Apple IIc chrome Monitor Ile. you' Monitor you'll need an Apple you Kewr also wish to purchase need an Apple I1e Apple IIGs or Apple lIc persona com an Apple Monitor Stand IIPlus or Apple II personal puter computer Technical Soecifications Apple Monochrome Apple Monoc home Monitor Monitor ....-........... Picture tube inches (30.5 centimeters) 12 inches (30 centimeters) diagonal High- -contrast High-contrast Antiglare Antiglare 90 deflection 90o diagonal deflextion Green phosphor White phosphor (EIA Type P31) (EIA Type P .... Active display area 21 millimeter horizonta b 215 millimeters horizontal b 160 millimeters vertical 160 millimeters vertical (remainder of area is used (rema ...